New Book on solution focused decision making available now!
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How Do You Know When You Know? offers a solution focused approach to personal decision making. The focus is on how we know, the process of deciding. Solution focused methods and attitudes tap strengths and wisdom you already have. They help you discover and build on what works for you.
How Do You Know When You Know? introduces ways of recognizing what you truly want and what matters most. It describes how decisions can evolve and “ripen.” There are strategies for combining intuition and reasoning and for using indecision and caution to make good decisions.
Special features include:
Stories about “moments of knowing”
Examples involving relationships, career, health, moving, friendship, pets, athletics, and more
Excerpts describing “how they knew” from memoirs and cinema
Ideas from behavioral economics, philosophy, and multiple areas of psychology
With its practical guidelines for tough choices, How Do You Know When You Know? is a book to read now—and to consult again whenever you face a new decision.
other books
The following books were written primarily for therapists but may also be of interest:
Solution Focused Anxiety Management includes instructor notes and learner readings for a four session class. Much of this information is relevant to stress management. Link:
I am also the author of Doing What Works in Brief Therapy: A Strategic Solution Focused Approach (1st and 2nd Editions). Link:
When Routledge planned a book series on “core competencies in the three primary approaches to psychotherapy” (which they considered to be psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, and solution-focused), I had the honor of being asked to author the volume on solution-focused practice. That book is Core Competencies in the Solution Focused and Strategic Therapies: Becoming a Highly Competent Solution Focused and Strategic Therapist. Link: